Standard Landscape Maintenance Agreement

La Hacienda Nursery & Landscape, Inc.

Standard Landscape Maintenance Agreement


La Hacienda Nursery & Landscape (LHNL), Inc. will provide labor, supervision, materials, and equipment necessary to maintain the property landscape in an attractive condition as further described below. Services will be performed at times mutually agreed upon between the parties that minimize interference or disruption of normal activities at the property.


Scheduled maintenance may be canceled during heavy rain or other inclement weather that would hinder or interfere with safe or efficient operation of power equipment. If maintenance is canceled, LHNL shall perform scheduled service on the next available day.

Lawns and planters (as contracted):

LHNL Will mow lawns, remove lawn clippings from the property and dispose of the materials at the LHNL facility.

Lawns will be fertilized two (2) times per year (One time in April in November) for the duration of this contract. Additional application of fertilizer or chemical treatment will require additional charges.

Weeds will be controlled with pre-emergent herbicides and other systemic herbicides twice per year. Planter areas will be weed free at all times. LHNL will pull weeds appearing between the semi-annual spraying.

Trees and shrubs (as contracted):

Trees will be pruned once per year to develop permanent scaffold branches, smaller in diameter than the branches from which they grow.

– Dead or damaged growth will be removed.

Trees will be thinned and pruned to provide an appropriate balance between crown, trunk, and roots, and to provide an attractive appearance.

Trees in parking lots (where applicable) will be trimmed to keep limbs free of vehicles and parking areas.

Trees taller than ten (10) feet will only be pruned and thinned to the 10 foot height.

Shrubs and bushes will be pruned to develop proper growing structure based on the type of shrub involved.

-Dead or damaged growth will be removed.
-Shrubs and bushes will be thinned and pruned in either natural cut, or pruned to rounded or boxed shapes per customer request as specified in contract.
-Damaged or hazardous shrubs and bushes will be pruned as needed.

Trees, shrubs and bushes will be fertilized in early and late spring.
Any palms, trees, plants or shrubs requiring replacement that are not under warranty from La Hacienda will require additional charges.

-Palms are trees purchased from La Hacienda Nursery will be covered under warranty for one year (365 days) from the date of planting.
-Shrubs purchased from La Hacienda Nursery will be covered under warranty for a period of 90 days from the date of planting.

Ground cover and flower beds:

Weeds will be controlled with pre-emergent herbicides and other selective systematic herbicide.
-Manual weeding will be done each week to prevent damage to other plants.

Ground cover will be edged as necessary to maintain boundaries. Top growth will be trimmed as necessary to achieve a balanced appearance.
Any ground covers requiring replacement that are not under warranty from La Hacienda Nursery will require additional charges.
-Ground covers purchased from La Hacienda Nursery will be covered under warranty for a period of 90 days from the date of planting.
Flower beds (where applicable) will be maintained as needed to provide an attractive and colorful appearance.
-Replanting of flower beds will incur additional charges.


Automatic irrigation systems (spray and drip as applicable) will be inspected and adjusted during each contracted service call to ensure uniform coverage.

Irrigation requiring repair that is not under warranty from La Hacienda Nursery and Landscape will require additional charges.

All irrigation controllers will be adjusted seasonally to ensure adequate irrigation.


Rubbish in landscaped areas will be removed from the site.

Areas immediately adjacent to landscaped areas (Sidewalks, parking areas, driveways) shall be swept or blown to remove any clippings and other debris.

-Debris and trash blown from these areas will be removed from the property.

Additional work:

Work that is required or requested and in addition to the terms of this contract will not be performed without a signed change order agreement (Residential) or a purchase order number (Commercial).


The customer will provide LHNL with the following to ensure proper communication between all parties:

Phone number for the owner of the property
Phone number for a primary/secondary contact person
Email address or fax number
Mailing address or PO Box and billing address

LHNL will notify the owner and/or contact person immediately if:

There is a disturbance or malfunction of the irrigation system or landscape caused by another contractor working on the property

Debris has been dumped or left on the property by another contractor

Licenses and Insurance:

LHNL warrants and represents that is licensed by the State of California.

LHNL warrants and represents that it maintains liability insurance providing coverage for property damage and bodily damage resulting from the acts of its employees or subordinates while working on the property.

LHNL warrants and represents that it maintains workers compensation insurance that covers all employees required to be covered by state law.

LHNL will provide proof of insurance as requested or required.


Landscape maintenance services will normally begin within one week of contract unless otherwise specified by the customer or agreed upon by both parties.

A schedule of services will be provided following the execution of this contract and prior to the start of services.

Invoices for monthly service and additional charges will be mailed or emailed to the customer the last day of each month.

Payment in full for the previous month’s services is required by the 5th day of each month unless otherwise noted in this contract.


La Hacienda Nursery & Landscape, Inc. will not be responsible for vandalism, theft, inclement weather, damage created by auto accidents, or any acts of God.


Cancellation of this contract must be submitted in writing a minimum of 30 days prior to the end of the contract.

See additional notes (if applicable) for any additional stipulations or agreements considered to be binding by the execution of this contract. No additional stipulations or agreements will be considered valid unless agreed upon in writing by both parties as part of an official addendum to this contract.